Meet The Tutors

Our Tutors

Our Tutors have been selected for their exceptional skills and mindsets to help your child make the right steps towards being confident in their subject and achieving their dreams! All Tutors have a DBS and have undergone safeguarding training which is detailed below so you as a parent are aware of what that training covers. Alongside this they have all had extensive training in helping children who fall under the SEN category and have been educated in the UK Education system, allowing them to support children from all backgrounds and exam boards.  

Your child's Tutor will set these expectations in your sessions:  

  • Monthly summaries of your child's progress sent as a document which is also overlooked by the manager 
  • Share relevant resources to help your child's learning in and out of the sessions  
  • Go through methods and exam questions with your child to build their confidence in their subject  
  • Build a positive learning environment where your child feels they can grow and develop in their learning 


Tutor and Manager 


  • Maths up to GCSE
  • English up to GCSE
  • Biology, Chemistry and Physics up to A-Level
  • 11+ 

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